Friday, January 3, 2014

Fab Friday ~ My Shiny New Record Player

"I had daydreams and fantasies when I was growing up. I always wanted to live in a log cabin at the foot of a mountain. I would ride my horse to town and pick up provisions. Then return to the cabin, with a big open fire, a record player and peace." Linda McCartney

As inspired by tarot ~ The 6 of Cups

It's funny how some memories can be distant and foggy, a remembrance only when specifically brought up in conversation, video or pictures. While other memories require only a scent or a sound and they are as real as if you're right there in that space and time all over again.

I have one such memory… brought on with an immediate intensity the minute I hear the crack of vinyl on a record player. It brings me back to when I was young, still living on the farm. Our living room had that shag brown carpet, and my mom had the classic matching three tower bookcases. In the middle one, of course, was the record player, wired up to the massive speakers with the soft cloth, buffering the sound. The player had a hard plastic cover and a slot for the 8-track cassette.

It would take but the first snap of the record, you know, the crack before the music plays… to get me out from where ever I was, doing whatever I was, into the living room. That snap, crack and pop meant only one thing in my world back then…

"Mom was about to dance; and that meant she had time for me."

"There was something in the air that night, the stars were bright, Fernando…" I can hear ABBA. I can see my mom swing her hips to Elvis, and I remember now, with the heavy heart of understanding, her eyes retreat to her own days gone by when she listened to her umpa music from back home.

Imagine my surprise when I received my Crosley portable player for Christmas, while staying at my Mom's house. I immediately made her dig through her "stuff" and find me ABBA… and as soon as the needle dropped it was there, happiness. My childhood. Me and mom dancing.

This gift is more than just a record player. It is a conversation piece… do you remember the first record you listened do? It's a beautiful way to share time with my #ministarlite who loves the 'big CD's with music on both sides. It's alone time… browsing through record stores, finding gems new and old. This portable player, which was once my past, has now become my future.

This beautiful little record player is so much more than just a music machine. It's represents a piece of who I am. Yesterday and now tomorrow.

Red Carpet Dreaming,

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