Saturday, October 26, 2013

The Doily ~ A Plentiful Life

"By engaging the powers of the cards in our daily life, we come to connect to the invisible knots that bind the universe with often magical results."
Around the Tarot in 78 Days
One of my favourites from Tante Agnes

The doiley and the 10 of Pentacles, a strange connection, right? Not really. When reading the key words associated to the 10 of Pentacles like: solid, security, tradition, lineage, wealth, arrangements, family... they solidified a personal connection for me with the 10oP.

This year for my birthday, my mom gave me all the doilies that she had that my Tante from Holland had made. As I am a craft'aholic, my mom thought it fitting that she give them to me as I truly and genuinely appreciate the time, talent and commitment that went into their construction. Tante Agnes' work has always amazed me. Where most think of doilies as old fashioned and linen closet fillers, I think they are stunning and beautiful and a lost art on generations to come. I wish I lived by my Tante so she could show me how she makes these beautifully structured, solidly and arranged pieces of art that really are family heirlooms and have ability to tell the tale of lineage. It would have been a great tradition that I personally would have loved to pass on to my #ministarlite, with hope that she would pass it on to hers.

The Sacred Doily "Invisible Knots that Bind"

Careerwise & Financially - Like the doily, you've established a good solid foundation. There is an existing structure, and an order of progress.

Healthwise - A pattern will help construct a safe and supportive life cycle. It is time to pass on the that which you know, to ensure a continued source of structure and stability.

Relationships - A well established family, generations deep. The centrepiece of flowers change with every coming Thanksgiving dinner, but the doily it rests upon is generations old. Like an age old doily, if tended by and cared for, can last the test of time.

Travel and Lifestyle - Family Reunion Time! If that one hundred year old doily could talk, what would it say about you and yours?

Education - Even though the online world provides an endless source of teachings, it is the knowledge passed down through generations that has the most value, as it is taught with love and is condition free. Now is the time to consider, what do you have to teach, and what do you have to learn?

Spiritual Awareness and Self Development - If you make a mistake, fix it. If there are too many holes in the weaving of your life, it will unravel. 

Enjoy the message of 10oP. It is confirmation that you've reached a point in your life where you can enjoy all that you've accomplished with a sense of pride and relief. Share the secrets of your success and take a minute to enjoy life in the slow lane.


Love and Light,

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