Wednesday, October 23, 2013

The Crone of Pentacles

I think I really like this card. Now.

As a reader, I think it almost impossible not bring our past experiences, judgements, values and outlook on life as we interpret Tarot. Imagery is such an important detail in how we connect with one card to another, from one deck to another. We learn to liken the images to what we know. What we remember. It's a unique intuitive experience, but it can come with individual consequences.

Pentacles is one such challenge for me. I was not raised with an appreciation of wealth. Especially other peoples wealth. I grew up on the belief that if someone was rich it was because they did something bad,  or their wealth now made them bad. "They were never like that before the money" or the classic "Who do they think they are?". It's a tough concept to understand when you're growing up, because you strive to do well, and typically success, as accepted by the general public, is financial. On one hand I want to make money, feel that financial freedom and enjoy the fruits of my labour. On the other hand, I'm afraid to lose the respect of my loved ones because I'm financially successful. For me, money is a very
unbalanced desire and need, and can be the cause of many a strained situations. It's hard to breakaway from a belief so ingrained, even when you know better.

Which is why the 10 of Pentacles has always scared me a little. In most teachings of the 10 of Pentacles, success at a price is the main thread of theme. The bounty is there, but is the happiness? Happiness but at what cost? Freedom with condition. I sat with this card for quite a while wondering 'how am I going to convey the positive side of completion that this card suggests when many understandings of the card play right into my personal unbalanced relationship with success?

Wealth Understood.

And then she came to me. The Crone. My favourite of the triple goddesses. There is a time in life when we come to appreciate how we got to where we are, and acknowledge the sacrifices, hardships and restraints as building blocks instead of road blocks. The 10 of Pentacles, like the Crone, has life experience. To reach this mastery is not a thing done overnight. It is the cumulation of many roads taken. And here's what I really love about understanding the 10oP as the Crone, at this level of mastery/completion/acceptance... the next natural step is delegation, teaching and mentoring.

The 10oP now represents your roll in tradition. What knowledge can you pass down? What challenges and successes did you face that you can teach your loved ones, the ones who are just a few crossroads behind you, or those just Fool'ing their way into new beginnings? This is an immense time, a time to be thankful, and it is best enjoyed in servitude.

Share the Wealth.

To receive the 10oP is a gift. You are being honoured by Spirit, and congratulated by God. And although you will not be awarded with fireworks and parades, you will enjoy strength and long term stability. You may not feel like your heart is bursting with passion, but, what you do have is something worth offering; Self validation.


Love and Light,

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