Sunday, October 20, 2013

My Vision Board Dilemma

The High Priestess
Source: Marji Graham Tarot

  If I had to liken a Vision Board to a Tarot Card, it would be the  
High Priestess.

A Vision Board. It never occurred to me that it would be so hard go make one. I've been stuck on this project for almost a month, and I think it's because I'm not really sure if I believe in the "power" of them (I believe in tarot, but not vision boards... kettle calling the pot black?).  In some ways, I feel like it's more of a crafting project, which is fine with me, then a project of planting the seeds to my future. 

To be fair, I also think one of my set backs is the process of deciding what to make this vision board for. Ultimately I am trying to visualize my future in Edmonton. I am trying to plant the seeds to creating my perfect career. The challenge is that I am currently stuck in the trappings of the Page of Swords in rx. I feel like there are a million things I want to be, and in many ways can be, but I can't just pick one because I feel like I might miss out on other opportunities. I feel like I won't be able to do all the things I love if I start narrowing it down. This makes me frustrated. Which makes me angry. Which gives anxiety. Which just makes me a little nasty, and a lot bitchy.

Pick one. Or do none.

I'm stuck between two worlds. That of Tarot and Writing. I love to talk about the 3oS, as much as I like to write about a broken heart. I'm having a very difficult time merging the two. One is very spiritual the other material. I've tried to split the two and work on each individually, but that was too time consuming and emotionally draining. It felt like a chore.  It's hard to pick between the two I love, therefore, both ideas have suffered. In the words of Tarot, my two wands are broken :(

I've weighed the pro's and con's of both... each, of course, have balanced outcomes with no obvious winner. Finally I asked, what can I do today vs what can I do tomorrow. Today, right now, I can pull out my pack of cards and read. Tomorrow I can work on writing chapter two. The success of one is at the mercy of building an audience, while the success of the other is based on how many hands I'm willing to shake in a day. From start to end, building a business in tarot has a much shorter lifecycle, than a reader base built on self-publishing. I guess I have my answer.

My hope is that by choosing Tarot as my basis for this vision board, the outcome will eventually give me the freedom I need to commit to my writing. 

Do what I love so that I can be my passion.

Time to get out the mags, glue and scissors. This #creativesunday will be spent visualizing a balanced and passionate me into the future.

Red Carpet Dreaming...

Want a lesson in Vision Board'ing 101? Let Martha Beck on inspire you!

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