Monday, October 28, 2013

Dream Walking with Alligator

Alligator as represented by The Moon
In the cool still of the night, and buried in the full Moon light;
may gator devise a way, to share his wisdom day by day

I've been learning to transcend my me time with meditation and prayer. With so much going on in my life, it is imperative that I learn to "slow down savvy sistah... slow down", as I cannot go through the kind of melt downs that I have in the last couple of years.

Meditation is self-medicating at its most high. 

The challenge? Staying awake. Staying focused. Staying calm.

In a moment of feeling completely unfocused, out of control and exhausted to the point of being wildly awake, I took the time to starfish myself on the bed, turn off the lights and lay low. The were moments of clean meditative episodes, until out of the depths of a slowly manifesting bog like shoreline, comes an alligator. He was strong in stature and muscle, had a keen eye focused directly at me and a massive toothy jaw gaped my way.

#magicmoment discovery ~ An Alligator Animal Totem

My breath was taken away, and I was instantly awake. I typically have the same animals/insects visit me in my dreams: spiders and worms (don't ask). So to have this magnificent beast make his way into my world was such a shock.

This new friend of mine represents balance in all things. Love and hate, birth and death, creation and destruction. More importantly and very specific to me, it represents the beginning of a new period and the death of an old (considering I'm moving to the other side of the county within weeks I would say a new beginning is just around the corner for me).

Gator also speaks of a new level of growth and wisdom. A teacher in ancient knowledge is his biggest gift. With my current study of Tarot and my desire to bring this knowledge to others in a new and modern voice, I feel like I've been given a personal message that Spirit has my back.

I loved this following passage from Spirit Animal Totems

"IF ALLIGATOR OR CROCODILE HAS SWAM INTO YOUR LIFE; Look for an opportunity to ingest new knowledge and wisdom. This totem animal contains all the unbridled creative forces of the world and the fury and ferocity of Primal Energies. It is the keeper and protector of all knowledge."


Love and Light,

Photo Credit: Stock.xchng

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